General Questions

What is North Engine CrossFit? North Engine CrossFit is a fitness facility located in the centre of Helsinki, Finland. We offer CrossFit classes, personal training, nutrition coaching, and more.

Do you lead classes in English? Yes. We offer all of our classes in English, but many of our coaches speak Finnish and Swedish too. We are, without a doubt, the most international CrossFit box in the whole of Finland. Everyone is welcome!

Can I drop in for a class if I'm visiting from out of town? Absolutely! We love and welcome drop-ins from visitors. Contact us to schedule your drop-in class.

What is CrossFit? CrossFit is a high-intensity fitness program that incorporates elements of weightlifting, cardio, gymnastics, and functional movements. It is designed to improve overall fitness and performance.

Do I need to be fit to start CrossFit? No! CrossFit is scalable to all fitness levels. Our coaches will modify workouts to suit your abilities, whether you're a beginner or an experienced athlete.

What should I expect in a CrossFit class? A typical CrossFit class includes a warm-up, skill or strength work, the WOD (Workout of the Day), and a cool-down. Our coaches will guide you through each part of the class.

Membership and Classes

How do I become a member at North Engine CrossFit? You can become a member by signing up for one of our membership plans. Visit this link here for more information.

Can I try a class before becoming a member? Yes! We offer trial classes for new and prospective members. Contact us to schedule your trial class.

What types of classes do you offer? We offer a variety of classes, including CrossFit, Olympic weightlifting, mobility, and more. Check our schedule for class times.

How do I cancel or pause my membership? Please contact us directly to cancel or pause your membership. We usually require a notice period for changes to memberships.

Facilities and Equipment

What equipment do you have at North Engine CrossFit? We have a fully equipped CrossFit gym with barbells, kettlebells, rowers, assault bikes, and more.

Is there a changing room and shower facilities? Yes, we have changing rooms and showers available for our members.

CrossFit Benefits

What are the benefits of CrossFit? CrossFit can improve cardiovascular fitness, strength, endurance, flexibility, and overall health. It also promotes community and camaraderie among members.

Will I lose weight doing CrossFit? CrossFit, combined with a balanced diet, can be an effective way to lose weight and improve body composition.

Can CrossFit help with sports performance? Yes! Many athletes use CrossFit to supplement their training and improve their performance in other sports.

Safety and Health

Is CrossFit safe? CrossFit, when done with proper form and under the guidance of certified coaches, like those we have at North Engine CrossFit, is safe for most people. Our coaches prioritize safety and technique.

Do I need to be in good shape to start CrossFit? No! CrossFit is designed for all fitness levels. Our coaches will help you start at an appropriate level and progress safely.

What if I have an injury or physical limitation? Please inform our coaches of any injuries or limitations before class. They will provide modifications to ensure a safe workout.

Training and Workouts

How long does a typical CrossFit class last? CrossFit classes typically last between 45 minutes to an hour, including warm-up, workout, and cool-down. At North Engine CrossFit, all of our classes last for one hour.

What is an AMRAP workout? AMRAP stands for "As Many Rounds As Possible." It is a type of workout where you perform a set of exercises as many times as you can within a specified time frame.

What is an EMOM workout? EMOM stands for “Every Minute on the Minute” and is a type of workout where you perform a set of exercises for a minute each and rotate between them for a specified time frame.

What is a "Hero" workout in CrossFit? Hero workouts are named after fallen military or public service personnel. They are challenging workouts performed to honor and remember these heroes.

Nutrition and Recovery

Is there a specific diet for CrossFit? CrossFit often promotes a balanced diet of lean proteins, vegetables, fruits, healthy fats, and carbohydrates.

How important is recovery in CrossFit? Recovery is crucial in CrossFit to prevent injury and promote muscle growth. This includes proper nutrition, rest, and mobility work. You can ask our coaches for more information of this.

Should I take supplements for CrossFit? Supplements are a personal choice. Some CrossFitters use protein powder, creatine, or other supplements to support their training and recovery.

Other questions? Get in touch with us at info@rxd.fi or visit us at our box and meet our coaches in person. We love to meet CrossFitters, old and new, to discuss our passion for fitness and health!